Sunday 20 December 2009

Roller Coaster week...

arrgghhh.. tersangat tidak seronok sebenarnya melayan malas.. dont u feel dumb when u have a thousand thingy to do but yet end up with nothing. Macam2 perkara malas yang melanda aku sejak 2 menjak ni.. malas nak study... malas nak masak.. malas nak kemas rumah... n malas nak update blog..huhuhuu... what a loser..!!
Actually macam2 cerita dah berlaku.. Last update masa hari yg ada frost hari tu.. cett.. dari frost sampai ke salji tebal bukan main, ini baru nak jenguk blog balik.. baik tak payah ada blog.. bluweekkk to myself.. hahahah..

Sepanjang minggu ni hidup dah macam roller coaster. Izhan have had his first experience doing performance on  15th November. A simple play...just standing there and act like a sheperd, but he is doing it well..!! Proud to see his ability to confront audience with high confidence.. A day after, its abang n kakak's turn.. Not much different from last year concert. Still the same stroy of the birth of Jesus. Well, thats their traditions..not so happy but still that is  a part of  having christmas experience here. To N & N, they were not excited about it tho.. then followed by their party. As usual, this super duper mom have to bubling n mumbling around to make everybody pleased...
Thursday the 16th, masa untuk muhasabah diri mengenang segala peristiwa yang berlaku sepanjang 1430. Banyak mana dosa yang dah dilakukan sama ada secara sedar atau tak.. banyak mana pulak amalan yang dijalankan.. banyak mana sedekah yang diberi.. banyak mana ibadah... aduhaii... masih terlalu banyak yang kurang... aku hambamu yang jahil...yang lupa...yang lemah ya Allah..
Now, let me be a bit melankolik..
Alam bagaikan mengerti kata hati.. dalam kesyahduan suatu penyerahan yang tulus, titik2 salju turun bagaikan mengiring silu hati yang menyerah pasrah pada Tuhan yang satu.. hamparan bening2 putih lewat bumiNYA yang permai bagikan kiriman berita manis dari kejauhan.Tanggal 1 Muharram 1431 disambut dalam suasana sebak syahdu dengan iringan kilauan salju bersama semilir angin yang mendesah terus menusuk kalbu.  Terima KAsih Tuhan... betapa aku bersyukur KAU izinkan aku menikmati anugerah ini... Berkati tahun baru ini dengan rahmat dan hidayahmu ya Allah..

Yupp.. salji pertama tahun ini disambut dalam keadaan yang sangat emosi.. emosi pada akulah..!! kenapa yer.. Kids, as excited as usual, dont even feel the coldness. Love to see them happy.. a silence action, i already ordered them a sledge. hopefully we gonna have bombastic winter momentos this year.. mummy will make it the best winter ever... my promise..!!

Today, we r having Maal Hijrah celebration n gathering. Pat my own shoulder, i managed to cook seri muka first, i dont care how it will look like as long as my kids love it, but to my surprise, it turns amazingly beautiful n sedap..!! heh..heh.. we have a good time during the gathering.. lots of laugh.. lots of  food, and lots of Mahabbah... this is what we call 'bermasyarakat'... love it..!!

the most beautiful part for today.. something strange happen to me.. feel like my heart in pumping it nerves to the fullest and ready to burst..!! exploding..!! why..??? hahahaha.... all i can say.. i'm happy and i know the happiness will be mine in no time.. Insyallah...

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